Completed Projects

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Name of the organisation:The Arab chamber of commerce and Industry

Project title:TVET and Employment Promotion  “Integrated TVET and employment services in East Jerusalem

Sector (ref. list of sectors in Sectorial experience in PADOR):


Cost of the action (EUR)

Role:  Coordinator,

co-beneficiary, affiliated entity

Donors to the action (name)

Amount contributed (by donor)

Dates (


East Jerusalem


Lead implementer



September 16th 2016-September 15-2017

Objectives and results of the action

To bridge the gap between the TVET outcomes in Jerusalem and the market needs, the project will create training and employment opportunities and enhance the capacities for,

1.         TVET programs graduates (males & females) through;

a.         Providing the graduates with upgrading, technical and life skills training

b.         Providing internship opportunities.

c.         Support young people to start their own business by establishing business incubators (handcrafts, construction, blacksmith, energy & electricity, mechatronics) and provide technical assistant and possibility of using some equipment and facilities at the training premises as needed.

d.         Business oriented training program (entrepreneurship, management, marketing, selling, designing, e-marketing)

e.         vocational trainings for new comers

f.          Life skills trainings

g.         Crafts fair for the beneficiaries products where the private sector, tourism sector and all interested people are invited.

Name of the organisation: The Arab Chamber of commerce and Industry-Jerusalem

Training project and employment project  with Welfare association

Sector (ref. list of sectors in Sectorial experience in PADOR):



Cost of the action(dollar)

Role:  Coordinator,

co-beneficiary, affiliated entity

Donors to the action (name)

Amount contributed (by donor)

Dates (


East Jerusalem




Lead applicant

Kuwait Arab fund for development



Objectives and results of the action

Training project and recruitment of new graduates from the vocational sector employed 245 young men and women. About 70% of them continued to work after the end of the project. The number of institutions and private sector companies benefiting from the project reached more than 170.


Name of the organisation: The Arab Chamber of Commerce and Industry-Jerusalem

Project title:GIS project (Geographic Information system)

Sector (ref. list of sectors in Sectorial experience in PADOR):


Cost of the action (ISL)

Role:  Coordinator,

co-beneficiary, affiliated entity

Donors to the action (name)

Amount contributed (by donor)

Dates (


East Jerusalem



The British Consulate



Objectives and results of the action

The main objective of the project is to develop a geographic information system for industrial facilities and shops in Jerusalem, the Old City, in order to improve economic opportunities for the private sector. The equipment for the geographical survey and its own program, which is a continuous project, was purchased for the commercial economic establishments located in Al-Quds Al-Sharif.


Name of the organisation: The Arab chamber of commerce and Industry-Jerusalem

TVET project

Sector (ref. list of sectors in Sectorial experience in PADOR):



Cost of the action(EUR)

Role:  Coordinator,

co-beneficiary, affiliated entity

Donors to the action (name)

Amount contributed (by donor)

Dates (


East Jerusalem


TVET coordinator




Objectives and results of the action

Project to improve the industrial and the vocational training centre


Name of the organisation: The Arab Chamber of commerce and Industry-Jerusalem

Project title: Economic Support

Sector (ref. list of sectors in Sectorial experience in PADOR):


Cost of the action (EUR)

Role:  Coordinator,

co-beneficiary, affiliated entity

Donors to the action (name)

Amount contributed (by donor)

Dates (


East Jerusalem



Qanadil International Foundation for Development and Humanitarian Relief


7-1-2016 to 30-9-2016

Objectives and results of the action

Create sustainable employment opportunities for graduates of institutes and vocational centers in the Jerusalem area by implementing a specialized program for apprenticeship and giving priority to females, taking into account the labor market needs of the labor force. In addition, the project continued to support the revival and development of some industrial and handicraft occupations and to enhance the demand for them.



If the donor is the European Union or an EU Member State, please specify the EU budget line, EDF

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